When DS appeared at the dawn of the 21st century, the idea of an on location window to the Internet looked promising. 20 years later we are still stuck with screens that have the most rudimentary content, in many cases no different than that old VHS tape looping content to a big clunky tube TV. Only the hardware changed. Now we have a sleek flat panel and better resolution digital content.
AR/VR, blockchain games now promise us a fast track to the Metaverse, but if we are going to get past Second Life 2.0, then there are some pretty big gaps to get across.
Imagine you had to buy a dedicated smartphone to view a mobile Twitter app and you were only allowed to follow one person. It sounds crazy. but that’s how digital signage mostly works today.
What does this have to do with Blockchain and the Metaverse?
What we can do with our PCs and mobile devices has exploded over the last quarter century.
But when you look closely it’s all centralized Apps and walled gardens.
Blockchain is changing that starting with DeFi and now the world of Art and collectibles and so much more.
Do you really need to buy another device to store one NFT?
Why not have a screen that becomes your personalized media?
• show one NFT or all of your NFTs as you like
• easily mix in other content as you like to create your own gallery or media channel
• add curated channels by artists, friends, galleries, brands as you like
• schedule content and playtimes; set it and forget it.
• join an ecosystem that works for small businesses without tech know-how
• join an ecosystem that values and supports creators.
Sound like a pipe dream?
At Vanten we don’t thinks so.
We’ve been building this decentralized communications platform since 2003.
It’s already in use in loved by customers in 1,000s of locations.
For example, deep in the mountains of rural Japan a small village of less than 300 people with an average age of over 70 runs their own community media across more than 20 screens in the village.
• Mrs. Suzuki takes a video of spring flowers on her iPad and uploads it to the B&B channel where it will automatically show up on TVs at the collective of 9 farmhouse B&B’s in the village.
• Mr. Itou uploads the latest photo of his grandchildren. This will mix in with the content at his B&B only, conveniently provide a segue to mention his grandkids when enjoying evening drinks with guests around the fire.
Number of tech or admin staff required to run this decentralized media: 0
Integrating blockchain technology will be the final piece of the puzzle that will allow rewards to be exchanged for goods and services.
• creators get a way to help small businesses and get rewarded.
• business have a way to exchange Ads based on value for value.
• artists have a forum to present and sell their Art.
• viewers get a vibrant media that is a snapshot into their community life
• screens get to justify the carbon expended to make them by becoming a conduit for communication rather than a display of vanity, hubris, or waste.